Hip Mobility

Hip Mobility
A series of movements that focus on internal and external rotation of the acetabulofemoral joint and flexion/extension of the joint.
This program was designed by a catcher for catchers with understanding of what catchers need to be able to do day in and day out from a defensive standpoint.
Being a great catcher is almost impossible without healthy, mobile hips.
Here is short list of the possible benefits of the bjc program.
If you struggle with a lack of mobility in your hips then this is for you. If you do not struggle with hip mobility then you will not need a program like this.
If you have questions, email benjijohnsoncatching@yahoo.com
Increase Range of Motion
Increase Strength Capacity
Increase Durability
Improve Hip Health
Improve Lower Back Health
Decrease Chance of Injury
Decrease Stress on Body
Decrease Mental Stress
Decrease Mistakes
Enhance Blocking Skills
Enhance Receiving Skills
Enhance Quality of Life
Enhance Psyche
Enhance Squatting Ability